Robonews = Leading Investment & Securities issued a new report on FNC Enter (173940) on the 19th, saying ‘We are starting a new leap with ‘P1 Harmony’, and presented our investment opinion as ‘Not Rated’.
◆ Main contents of FNC Enter report
‘Investment Points’ for FNC Enter (173940) in Leading Investment & Securities
1) Full-fledged growth of boy group ‘P1Harmony’
2) New group debut in Korea and expansion of Japanese girl groups
3) This year is a period of earnings recovery.
Sales in 2022 were KRW65.8bn (down 11.3% YoY) and operating loss was KRW13.2bn (low YoY), reflecting expenses such as auditions in Japan, recording disappointing results.
This year, consolidated sales are expected to be KRW 87.9 billion (YoY +33.6%), operating loss is expected to decrease to KRW 1.4 billion (YoY decrease), and earnings are expected to improve.