“Purple Kiss Swan will drop her solo album in July. Producer JungKey joined the album production to help her solo debut. “We hope fans anticipate the synergy that the two artists can make together,” RBW said in a press release.
Swan, as the lead vocalist of Purple Kiss, made her debut in 2021 and appeared on different music shows and programs, including music competition shows “Immortal Songs” (2011-) and “King of Mask Singer” (2015-) alongside music variety “Begin Again Open Mic” (2020-).
Swan and JungKey participated in KBS’s music survival show “Listen-Up” last year, performing “Oh! What a Shiny Night” together on the show.
Purple Kiss is known for its album concepts, ranging from “geek and nerds” to “memes” and horror themes. The girl group’s most recent release is “Cabin Fever,” its fifth EP, which dropped in February.
Fellow member Yuki is currently participating in Mnet’s idol competition show “Queendom Puzzle.”